Monday, December 28, 2009

I can't believe that for the Christmas exchange my family had, I got a Snuggie. If you don't know what it is, it's a blanket with sleeves; look up the commercial on youtube. But yeah... holy smokes, Christmas was... alright and now post Christmas is just, boring as heck. I need to get out and do something! Instead, I'm working on some music and assignments... (mostly music though, haha). So yeah... didn't get anything else for Christmas and I didn't get anything on Boxing Day so I'm pretty bummed out. Anyways! Floor hockey on Saturday with my cousins, this is going to be interesting... VERY interesting.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I just got back from the movie theatre and O-M-G! Avatar is an amazing movie! Especially in 3D! A lot of people say though that it's the best film they've ever seen, but I can't really say that because that's a pretty big reputation. I will say though... it's the best film I have seen in a long while.

Okay, so you know when you watch a movie there's always someone who annoys you? Well, there was this dude behind us talking to some other guy throughout the entire movie; not that big. When the dudes start kicking my seat throughout the film five times and the guy's phone goes off giving that old telephone ring, that was annoying. I still enjoyed the film though.

Now go out and watch Avatar now!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wow! I was just talking to my brother about old music we listened to in the 90's, so I started looking up stuff and I found this awesome song from back then. It's crazy, it's almost almost 2010. It's been a while since I heard this stuff. All this stuff, I heard on "Hit List". Oh man, I miss that show... well... not really, but it was pretty good until videos started becoming inappropriate for children and then they couldn't play anything so they got canceled. It's like... much music for little kids; some crazy stuff there! Anyways, band I listened to a lot back then was Wave, especially their songs California and Don't Say Sarah. Dang, I miss these guys!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is just an animation test I was doing today to get in the animation mood. I need to find some way to light the thing properly though... Anyways, I hope it all turns out well though.

Oh man! Yesterday was pretty fun! I had my TA lunch and then right after, we went bowling. Well... eight of us did. Kind of weird how it was four grade nines and then the oldest four in the ta. Anyways! We pwned them in the first game, but then we started messing around completely in the second game and they killed us after. Daniel with his granny shots, oh man, haha! Then... I went home to watch the Lion King 1 and 2 so... overall, it was a pretty good day.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Digging back into my old audio files and video files once again, came across one that got over 2000 views recently so I'm pretty surprised. Anyways, it's some video I uploaded of an acoustic version of Love Lockdown by Kanye West. Uploaded it about... a year and 2 days ago exactly. People gave it good ratings and comments, so I'm pretty happy about that. Check it out:

Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh man... this whole university application thing is completely killing my brain right now. It's the idea of my parents that I shouldn't pursue a career in film at all. The reasons they have are because it's going to be expensive, that it should only be a hobby, that it's going to be hard to find a job in film and that all people in the film industry are druggies. So... instead they want me to go into psychology.

Now... a month or two ago, I had a similar talk with my uncles, cousin and brother. They actually all told me not to get into psychology at all. The things my mom said about film, was applied to what they said about psychology. Since I'd have to be a psychiatrist, I'd have to go through 10 years of school and then actually finding work is harder than finding work in a career of film and television. They also said that I should do what I like doing because I have a better chance to get a job and do what I like.

So now I'm stuck between following what I want to do, and actually apply to film or do something that I'm being forced to do by my parents. Maybe it's because they're hardcore asians or something... but to me film isn't a hobby. I hope they change their minds.

So yeah, going through some of my old audio files and videos, I found this... I took the acapella of 50 Cent's song "Get Up" and I played some guitar, bass and drums to it. It sounded pretty alright for just recording everything on a computer mic. I was using Sony's ACID Pro 6 at the time I think; it's a good program for PCs.

So right now... I'm trying to work on a storyboard for an animation I'm going to be working on over the Christmas break called "Victor". It's kind of hard to do though when you have all these people yelling and screaming near you, getting ready for the Christmas assembly. Then there's Jaira and Jeffrey sitting beside me trying to work.

But yeah... look out for the animation coming out probably after the break. I'll probably post it up here. I'm also going to enter this into the Toronto Student Film Festival so I hope it does well there in 2010. =)

For now... I'm going to be slaving over moving characters little by little... very slowly...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Okay... so going through my youtube videos I found one that made me think, wow, I don't know how I even did that anymore. So this video is of my friend, Angelo Uy. So it's only a couple of seconds and people find this either cool, funny, or just plain creepy. The effect was done in Adobe After Effects and I used some tutorial on, so go check out that site because they have awesome tutorials for After Effects.

I got to tell you... I'm excited about Rock Band's new game coming up in 2010 that was announced at the Spike Video Game Awards 2009. Green Day Rock Band! From a lot of the comments I read so far on articles and videos about it, people are pretty angry about it and I have no idea why. For instance this comment posted on IGN...

"why not choose a band that actually deserves a music game... LIKE A BAND THAT DOESN'T SUCK
Posted by: _________ on December 12, 2009 16:39 PDT"

In my opinion, Green Day should get a Rock Band game; they revolutionized punk rock and are still going since the mid-1980's. For the people who say they should've chosen another band because it would've been better, I'm not going to argue with you on that, but they're not going to stop making Rock Band games after this one. Green Day is my favorite band so I'm pretty stoked for this; all these songs from Dookie up to their latest album, 21st Century Breakdown.

So anyways... here's the trailer for Green Day Rock Band:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

This is something I made out of some vocals I found for some pepsi contest on youtube. Vocals are by Far East Movement and I love these guys so I just had to do something.

Okay, so I was perusing through the DisBand site on MuchMusic and looked up all the bands who are going to be on season 2 and right now, I'm rooting for These Kids Wear Crowns. These guys are pretty awesome. Check out their song 'Fifa 99':

Buy their EP

Wow, okay, so totally new to this. So anyways! I thought, might as well start a blog to post up things that interest me and all that kind of junk; it's mostly going to be music by me or other bands I find awesome.